Friday, October 16, 2020

When You Want a Quick and Easy Divorce, Think Uncontested

 If you're looking for an affordable (and peaceful) way to dissolve your marriage, an uncontested divorce might be the answer. While it sounds like an oxymoron, uncontested divorce simply means a divorce where spouses agree on all aspects of custody, visitation, support, property settlement, payment of debts, attorney fees and any other related matters in the case. Uncontested divorces have become increasingly popular as Kansas couples not wishing to fight horrific battles or waste countless hours and money on drawn out divorces seek different options.

If you want to dissolve your marriage, here are some questions to ask yourself about whether you are a candidate for an uncontested divorce.

Have both you and your spouse agreed that your marriage is broken and you both wish to obtain a divorce?

Do you and your spouse have access to and sufficient knowledge about the family's finances, including all martial assets and debts?

Are you and your spouse still able to clearly and calmly communicate with each other?

Do you and your spouse agree on issues regarding parenting, such as child custody, parenting time and holidays?

Do you and your spouse agree on the division of marital assets, debts and other property?

Do you want to save time and money and dissolve your marriage peaceably?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, then you would be great candidates for an uncontested divorce.

One of the main reasons people choose an uncontested divorce over a traditional divorce is because the process is easier and a much more affordable divorce. So what's the process?

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